Thursday, April 28, 2011

Alien or not?

      The crop circles were first been found in late the 1970s.  There are couple theories of the exist of the crop circles.  Some people say that they are made people, and some people state that they might be made by extra terrestrial. 
In the 1990s, scientists found that 70% of the crop circles were made by people whose purpose is to attract the tourists.  All the mystery seems has been solved.  However, in the late 1990s, people noticed that some crop circles were suddenly appear in one night.  The gorgeous special patterns show on the crop field made people come back to explore them.  The scientists were trying to fine the people who made those crop circles; however, no one shows up in the next half year.  Some scientists tried to make a crop circle.  They used all the most advanced machines to create a crop circle as fast as they could.  However, the difficulty of making a crop circle made scientists feel frustrated.  Until now, the crop circle is still a biggest mystery.  Even though 70% of the crop circles are affirmed be made by human being.  There are still 30% of the crop circles are still the unsolved mysteries.  The most persuasive theory is that the some crop circles are made by alien.  Probably those are the massage they send to the Earth.  

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The Good and Bad Blogs

Bad blog:
This blog contains many informations which is good. However, there are not many explanations for reader. The first time I go to that blog, it clearly shows that it is a Criminal data base. This blog is suitable for the people have some specific knowledge about the criminal analysis, but is not a good for the normal readers. It needs some explanations about the charts and maps.

Good blog:
Personal speaking, the foosball blog I show up there is the best one I've ever seen. Every post is not that long but is full of information. Especially the interesting things it posts in the blog like the transparent foosball table. Isn't a cool thing ever? In every post, there is one or two photos in it which can clearly show the readers what he is talking about and more visual.

Monday, April 25, 2011


      Isn't a cool picture?!
      This is the picture that I took in Boston Math and Science Museum.  Yes, it is the static electricity shock on the metallic ball.  The large red column with a ball on it is the place where store the static electricity.  Actually, the lightning is keeping shocking the little metallic ball in a high frequency with huge sound of clap. I tried to catch the frequency, and eventually, I took this photo.
      There are so many interesting things in the Boston Math adn Science Museum.  It has 2 districts.  In the district A, there are Math and Physics sections.  On another district, there are Biology and Chemistry sections.  Personally speaking, I prefer the district A because there are more demonstrations in that area.  The lightning shock is the one of those fun demonstrations.
       In the Boston Math and Science Museum, you can see a lot of things that you can rarely see in the daily life.  It is definitely a worthy trip to go visit it.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Guys check this incredible FOOSBALL video out!

           Some people say that if you get a level of playing foosball, there is no fun any more.  However, I will prove they are totally wrong here.
           As a foosball fan, I have 100 percent confident that after you watch this video, you gonna fall in love with foosball. 
          I started play foosball half year ago.  I really enjoy playing it and now I can play some tricks too.  The fisrt thing I want to tell the new player is that foosball is a game which needs both patient and passion.  The beginning is a hard experience for every one.  You might always miss the ball or don't know how to kick the ball correctly.  However, all you need in the beginning is keep your nervous down and keep your passion high.  You will get the trick as long as you play it more.  
           Last but not the least, there is so much fun in foosball.  Funner as you play longer. 

BP frees up $1bn to clean up Gulf oil spill damage

The damage of ecological envirornent
          As we know,Deepwater Horizon explosion and oil spill which broke out almost one year ago caused a huge damage. The ecological environment suffered a big wound. The spill caused extensive damage to marine and wildlife habitats as well as the Gulf's fishing and tourism industries. Since the the break down of the lock of blowout, the oil well exploded, and the oil spilled out in a speed about 53,000 barrels per day. The U.S. Government has named BP as the responsible party, and officials have committed to holding the company accountable for all cleanup costs and other damage. After its own internal probe, BP admitted that it made mistakes which led to the Gulf of Mexico oil spill. It is because the remiss of the staffer of BP. In one month after the spilling event, BP checked all oil well in that area and found that more than 12 oil wells needed repairing.
                                                  (A picture took by the satellite in June, 2010)

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

The spring is coming quietly.

          Wake up in the Sunday morning at 7 o'clock. Not like couple weeks ago, the shining sunshine has spread  in the room. Look out of the window, the ice column is melting.   After buried in the snow for five months, the lawn is finally get rid of the snowy coat. I pick the lacrosse stick and run to the lawn. The green and pinkish buds are getting out of the moist soil. Sometimes in the afternoon, the lovely tweet is the best rhythm. I have to say that I really miss the snow, miss the snowboarding, miss the day that we play snowballs. However, nothing can last forever. Rather than complaining the over of old thing, I should embrace the new stuff. Do not ignore the coming of another pretty season. Every thing on this land is gonna be refreshed.
           The new life is coming.
           Yea, it is the sing of spring.