Monday, April 25, 2011


      Isn't a cool picture?!
      This is the picture that I took in Boston Math and Science Museum.  Yes, it is the static electricity shock on the metallic ball.  The large red column with a ball on it is the place where store the static electricity.  Actually, the lightning is keeping shocking the little metallic ball in a high frequency with huge sound of clap. I tried to catch the frequency, and eventually, I took this photo.
      There are so many interesting things in the Boston Math adn Science Museum.  It has 2 districts.  In the district A, there are Math and Physics sections.  On another district, there are Biology and Chemistry sections.  Personally speaking, I prefer the district A because there are more demonstrations in that area.  The lightning shock is the one of those fun demonstrations.
       In the Boston Math and Science Museum, you can see a lot of things that you can rarely see in the daily life.  It is definitely a worthy trip to go visit it.


  1. This is an amazing picture is unbelievable. Did you really take this. You should send this to the museum.

  2. This is a great pic. Have you also took a video? If so, you should post it here!!

  3. Great pic!!! I was shocked by it. I will go there!!!

  4. hum..looks so interesting. need to go and check it out
